Friday, October 4, 2013

How to LOVE!!!

How can we effectively respect our husband or love our wife like Ephesians 5:33 talks about? In the Greek, respect means "to be in AWE of" or "to reverence." Ladies, you can do this through honoring your husband with your words and actions, building him up with admiring comments, deeply valuing what he has to say, and always choosing a great attitude toward him.

Likewise, the husband is to "nourish" and "cherish" his wife. In the Greek, this entails kindly supporting her growth to maturity, as well as warmly caring for and attending to her. In other words, he is to sacrifice his own interests when necessary and selflessly lay down his life for her. When both marriage partners contribute to creating a mutually loving and respect-filled environment, it's amazing what God can do in and through them to bless this earth and display His love!

Ladies, choose to be that respectful wife who is in AWE of your husband today; don't wait for him to show you love first. Men, choose to be the loving husband who is cherishing his wife daily, rather than waiting for her to show respect first. When we both make an effort to improve ourselves, we win as a team.

Believing God's best for your marriage and future!

P. Shaun & Amy